There is no better feeling than the satisfaction you experience after having an awesome training session
With all the time spent in the sports medicine and performance realm, one thing I realized was hardly addressed was feet.
The principle of variation is often thought to be required to facilitate continued adaptation.
I had the pleasure to chat with Mike Matthews, owner of Legion Athletics and host of the Muscle for Life Podcast/Author of Bigger Leaner...
We delve into my competitive season and what are some of the strategies I will use to get into the best shape of my life
In this video, I share my experiences of a decade's worth of bodybuilding from 2011-2021.
Intelligent training is then a balancing act of providing a sufficient stimulus while not burying yourself.
Read our full research paper about peak week recommendations for bodybuilders
Does varying repetition tempo in a single-joint lower body exercise augment muscle size and strength in resistance-trained men?
If I told you that you have the ability to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, would you believe me?
This review examines some of the current literature demonstrating body recomposition in various trained populations
Do you need a bench press to build a big chest? Is it helping or hurting your gains?
In this video, I explain ways to maximize your upper chest and some exercises you're probably not doing!
In this video, I describe three chest exercises for your lower chest to maximize growth, some that you may not be doing!
In this week's episode we dive into the details of what could be holding you back.
In this research paper, we examine the effect of fasted vs. fed cardio on improving body composition for physique athletes
In this article, we cover some basics of calf training and also review a recent scientific study!
We compare the effects of auto-regulatory exercise selection (AES) vs. fixed exercise selection (FES) on muscular adaptations
This study investigated the effects of 12-SET, 18-SET, and 24-SET lower-body weekly sets on muscle strength and mass accretion
Dr. Nicholas Pannella, D.C. describes his top 10 mistakes from 12 years of training.
In this article, we take a deep dive on hip thrust and see what the science says
Dive right into a conversation covering topics including, identity crisis, and more!
In this article, we discuss the role of muscle damage in training for hypertrophy
In this article, we discuss basic physiological events that occur during and post-training
This film provides insight to my mindset leading up to the 2017 INBF Hercules Bodybuilding competition in New York
Why we all love to train, why its therapeutic and how it enables us to “live in the now”
Footage from 15 weeks out of my 2017 contest season debut.
In this chapter, I'm 9 Weeks Out (NPC Tampa Bay Classic) 12 Weeks Out (INBF Hercules)
How to Improve Bicep Peak Development of Your Biceps!
In this video, I am 10 Weeks out from 1st show of 2017 season
In this video, I show how to improve shoulder stability and decrease injury risk
In this video, I show how to improve your squat technique & reduce your risk of injury
In this video, I talk about how to maximize your lower lats and get the most growth!
An inside look at the physiological impacts and body composition changes that occurred during Barakat's Peak Week.